Add scroll bar to Create New Bulk Post


Core Enhancement

Becca Dennis

last quarter

Currently, the blog editor doesn't scroll in its box, which means all of the formatting buttons get pushed off screen. This is especially difficult when adding images to the blog - you have to scroll all the way to the top of the web page to click the "add media" button, which takes you away from the place you're wanting to insert the image. It's a lot of unnecessary scrolling back and forth. Please add a scroll bar in the editor box so that you can scroll through the blog post while keeping the formatting buttons on screen.



Keith Crain ( MainWP Staff )

last quarter

Hi @Becca Dennis ,

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide us with your valuable feedback. We genuinely appreciate your input, as it helps us enhance our tools and provide a better user experience.

After carefully considering your suggestion on how to fix this pain point, we believe that making the Toolbars "Sticky" would be a much better solution for the use case you've highlighted. ( See ScreenShot ) This would eliminate the need to scroll back up altogether.  However, there's a bit of a challenge we'd like to share with you.

MainWP utilizes the WP TinyMCE provided by WordPress, which, unfortunately, is currently stuck at version 4 due to backward compatibility concerns. You can find more details on the WP Core Track here: WordPress Core Trac Ticket #47218.

The snag here is that TinyMCE version 4 doesn't natively support a "Sticky" option within its source code. But fear not! We believe in providing solutions, and we've found a workaround.

Given MainWP's high level of customizability, you can achieve the desired “Sticky” effect by using the MainWP Custom Dashboard Extension and implementing a small code snippet on the CSS TAB. We've made it easy for you by preparing the snippet, which you can find here: Sticky Toolbar Snippet.

Feel free to give it a try, and let us know if you encounter any issues or if there's anything else we can assist you with. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work together to make MainWP even better.

Thanks again for your feedback, and we look forward to providing you with an even more enhanced experience in the future!

Best regards

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