2 years ago
Yess, I would like to see this too.
Sebastian E.
2 years ago
It would be really nice to have a self hosted uptime monitor. 🙂
Uptime Kuma is a really cool tool with a lot of customization, I would love to see it integrated.
27 hidden items
Anonymous #16715
last quarter
Same here for me. Have been using Uptime Kuma for a long time now, +1
Anonymous #17726
last quarter
In order to add an Uptime Kuma support it first of needs a get it's API:
There are thrid party solutions which wraps Kumas into a public available rest-api but I don't an mainWp extension should rely on this 😅
Aurélien Denis
2 years ago
Hello there, not sure if it’s possible or not but Uptime Kuma is a really awesome open source service for uptime monitoring and status page. I’m using it on Docker and I’m trying now to replace NodePing for my MainWP client reports.