Domain Monitor: a toggle switch or manual date entry for uncrawlable TLDs




2 years ago

The domain monitor crawl doesn't work for some TLDs - that's okay, but while we're waiting for new solutions:

Could we get a toggle to exclude specific domains from domain monitoring? That way we don’t get any emails reminding us that a domain is about to expire in 1969 :)

Another solution would be to allow us to enter an expiry date manually ( allows this)

Thank you.




2 years ago

Please do assist as this is absolutely crucial for some of us.

In our case, we are in Korea and hence our company serves Korean TDLs -, .kr, etc - and I get so many expiration notifications that I have to shut off the Domain Monitor Extension.

Please do act on Marleen's options or another solution to help users in our situation:

  1. Add a toggle to exclude domains from domain monitoring.

  2. Allow us to manually add a domain expiration date.

  3. Allow us to somehow turn off or change the frequency of email notifications. (My addition)

My assumption is that any one of those would be a very easy implementation. Please consider.

Thank you!


Anonymous #11153

2 years ago

I am also having the problem with .art and .studio domains. Also one domain .casa is not even being monitored. Is there a way to turn off the monitoring?

1 hidden items


Bojan Katusic

last month

The ability to enter Domain info manually was added in version 4.1.

More info about the feature:


Bojan Katusic changed the status to Closed

last month

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