Favorite Plugin update and License



Eric C.

2 quarters ago

It would be good if we had the opportunity to update the plugin that we list under favorites to keep it up to date.

Perhaps storing licenses would also be possible.



mike lewis

2 months ago

The favourites extension is a great idea.

But if it’s getting a lot of use, then I’d wager a large chunk of your userbase are routinely installing compromised plugins and themes onto their child sites through MainWP, and if their workflow doesn’t involve deleting every one of those favourite plugins and reuploading them every single time they spin up a new site, then that’s begging for trouble, and pretty much entirely negates the benefits brought by the favourites extension, assuming webmasters are following best practices by only uploading “safe” plugins as best they can.


Jos Klever

2 months ago

I think it's hard to keep premium plugins updated on the MainWP dashboard site, because you would need a license for that and to update it it would have to be active on that site. You don't want to risk running many premium plugins on your MainWP dashboard site, because it makes your dashboard more vulnerable.

So although I think this isn't an easy task, it should somehow be possible to automatically update plugins from the WP repo. Maybe give the choice to install latest versions and downloading that latest version the first time it's used to install on 1 or more child sites.


Sharif Jameel | CGS Web Designs

2 months ago

So I definitely vote for this - in fact I STOPPED using the favorites extension solely because it didn't have this feature. Unless you're spinning up a ton of new sites regularly, the juice just isn't worth the squeeze.

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