Get woocommerce product updates and creation in report


Extension Enhancement

Sanja Tosanovic

2 years ago

Hey there MainWP community,

I have a question, is it possible to also get report info on every custom post type en woocommerce products in the client report. The report only gets the default post type.



Kenneth Gourlay

last year

I am surprised that this is not a more common request. Being able to include custom post types in the reports, along with 'pages' and 'posts,' seems like an important feature for any site that uses custom post types. On my sites, the most common is 'event' (via Events Manager plugin). Several of my sites use events, and events are created and updated far more frequently than posts and pages—and these are at least as important to the content maintenance of the sites.

I started to look into adding this functionality myself through custom report tokens, but I'm not sure where to start. I think it shouldn't be difficult though, since it looks like data about custom post types are already being logged by the pro reports child plugin.

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