Include KW, Rankings and GSC


Extension Enhancement

Sanja Tosanovic

2 years ago

I am currently comparing MainWP and ManageWP. Especially when it comes to SEO Reports ManageWP has some advantages and I would really love for you guys to implement this.

Even if you make it an extra addon I would pay for it.

So on my wishlist is the KW and how I rank for each KW.
Competitor Comparison
Link to GSC for search queries.

This would round up the report perfectly.

Whilst at it: Please also include GTMetrics as they are more accurate for websites outside of USA. GTMetrics has an API Key which can be included here maybe?



Richard Zimbalist

2 years ago

Yes 100%. I'd love to get away from managewp but the keyword rankings is a deal breaker. Please consider and upvote!


David O'Malley

2 years ago

Agreed. Keyword ranking is a dealbreaker



4 quarters ago

100% needed !

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