List of Plugins Usage



Anonymous #8951

2 years ago

I'd like a list of all plugins across all sites

I can see the plugin list per site by going to each site, but I need a list of all the plugins so I can see which plugins are used on which sites. This will help me manage my licenses as well.

Ideally the list would be an expandable (tree) list of the sites using the plugin with a count of the total sites.

Also Note: Listing the plugins for the sites horizontally across the page is a horrible way to show them. I can't make my screen wide enough. At the minimum, enable horizontal scroll. Ideally, this too would be a tree.




last year

Fantastic idea!!


Keith Crain ( MainWP Staff ) marked Plugins listed as rows instead of columns as a duplicate of this post.

3 quarters ago

2 hidden items


Keith Crain ( MainWP Staff ) changed the status to Completed

3 quarters ago


Jasmyne Churchley

last month


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