RankMath Extension


New Extension

Sanja Tosanovic

2 years ago

It seems like more and more people are disenfranchised with Yoast and attracted to other less expensive SEO options, such as RankMath. Would it be possible to get a Rankmath extension?



Dennis Dornon

2 years ago

We have reached out to Rank Math regarding working with us to create an Extension.

If the developer wants to work with us, we will move the request to Researching or Planned status, depending on the complexity of the Extension.


Dennis Dornon changed the status to Waiting

2 years ago

23 hidden items


Roger Perren

2 months ago

I get an answer from Rank Math:


Thank you for contacting support.

We already have some requests and have added your vote to our internal suggestions list. You can keep an eye on our changelog to check the latest features and updates: https://rankmath.com/changelog/

Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any other questions.

I no longer believe that anything will ever happen.


Anonymous #18725

2 months ago

Yes, I have also followed up with Rank Math. I would suggest any others who want to see this happen also bug them as much as we bug MainWP, and eventually we may get some movement.

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