See which Code Snippets apply to a Child Site at a glance



Dustin Dauncey

2 years ago

It currently is difficult when managing many Code Snippets in MainWP to see what ones apply to any given Child Site. Currently it requires loading up every Code Snippet one by one and checking that way. I’d love to see a tab or something where I could do a quick lookup of Code Snippets by the Child Site, so that if I wanted to easily see what Code Snippets are applicable to Website #30, I can do so without needing to access dozens of Code Snippets individually.




2 years ago




2 years ago

Not even that. I have just opened a frequently used code snippet which is running on multiple sites (I know it is by checking the individual sites), but none of the boxes are ticked. I ran "Sync Dashboard with Child sites", yet nothing is ticked and I'm now mildy scared to run it on a new site I've just added, because the unticked sites will all uninstall it? Yet since no site has a tickbox against them all of a sudden, and I have no memorised which sites need the snippet, I cannot just randomly re-tick those sites.

This is a really unusable method for something quite substantial. I would really urge the developers to re-think this bit of UX.


Juliano Simões

last quarter

Same here. I have around 40 snippets that I need to install and run on all my managed sites. Every time I add a new site, I need to load the snippets one by one, mark the checkbox for the site, and hit “Save & Execute the Snippet”. Needless to say, it’s a very time-consuming process.

Would be great if the Code Snippets extension had a feature to bulk select snippets to install on a given site.


Jos Klever

2 months ago

Here are some ideas:

  • Code snippets that return information are working fine. Only for the selected sites.

  • The other types (execute and wp-config) are much harder to use, as soon as you have more than a few sites.

  • When you execute a snippet for a site it needs 2 runs through all the sites. The first one removes the snippet everywhere and the second one places the snippet on the selected sites.

  • This takes quite some time with a lot of sites.

  • The snippet is missing half way the process on the sites that had the snippet already.

So we need some index on the MainWP dashboard site with the snippets that are placed on which child site.

  • This makes it possible to quickly enable/disable a snippet for a specific site.

  • It's much easier and faster to test new snippets on just a single (test) site.

  • We need some synchronization in case some snippets are manually removed from a child site or in case a site has been replaced or something like that. This synchronization could be run in case of a single site sync or via a sync in the Code Snippets screen. I would not sync it during regular syncs, as it won't be needed very often and it saves some time/performance.

  • In the interface of the code snippets screen it should be made clear quickly which sites have the selected snippet, so not by scrolling through the whole list, but by filtering on active/inactive/all.

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