Sort sites by nice name instead of domain name


Core Enhancement
Feature Enhancement

Sanja Tosanovic

2 years ago

Hi there,

I was wondering what people would think if we changed the default site sorting to use the nice name we entered alphabetically instead of the currently used domain name characters.

Even ever I’m looking for a website called something with A, say Apothecary XZY, I would expect to find it high up in the list, if the domain starts with a www. subdomain though it does show up under W, which defeats the purpose of alphabetical ordering.

Since my custom sorting always gets x’d when the session ends, this is doing my NUT in by now ;o)

Stay safe out there,



Bogdan Rapaić changed the status to Completed

last year


Bogdan Rapaić

last year



Kenneth Gourlay

2 quarters ago

Just saw mention of this issue as a bug report in the Managers forum. From what I can tell, sites are sorted by “nice name” in the Manage Sites list, but elsewhere (updates, plugins, themes, etc. pro-reports ) they are sorted by a version of the URL (with www removed if it’s there). Since the “nice name” is what is shown in all these places, not URL, it makes sense to sort by “nice name” as well.

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