WPvivid Extension


New Extension

Sanja Tosanovic

2 years ago

Hey Guys,

WpVivid has made very good effort to link their plugin which is really appreciated but it would better to have this in your repository which will with more functionalities like you have updraft plus it will be much easier to handle our settings.




2 years ago

Yes this extension needs improvements as several features are incomplete. I have mentioned it to WPVivid as well in a support request last year.

Currently the latest version of the extension is missing some key features (as of 2022-04-19).

Before plugin updates MainWP checks to see if a backup is run within the last X hours (I can't remember the exact number). Well I have backups done nightly and this check never finds any backups (so this needs fixing).

Also when a backup is not found it asks if you want to make a backup before the plugin update. If I click yes to do the backup it just skips over the backup attempt and installs the plugin (so this needs to be fixed as well).


Dennis Dornon

2 years ago

We won’t be making our own WPVivid Extension when they have all ready created one. Any feature requests should go to the WpVivid team. Closing


Dennis Dornon changed the status to Closed

2 years ago


Anonymous #16102

4 quarters ago

Would you be willing to reconsider? As WPVivid doesn't seem to prioritize the development of their extension. And I think there is a huge demand for it. In fact it would make me purchase MainWP Pro (currently using free).



4 quarters ago

From my understanding through posts in the MainWP Forum ALL of the Backup Plugins that have a backup extension do not support backups on plugin or theme upgrades until very recently. WPvivid currently does support it sort of. It backups the files of the software being update before an update. It does not backup the database though. It also doesn't use the built in checks as described by Tom above.

This lack of support for such an important feature makes me wonder if MainWP haven't implemented the framework/API for it in a way that makes it easier for developers to use. I also think that extensions like this should maybe show icons on some other indicators if key features are missing from the extension. This will help users understand what is important and also may act as a motivator for developers to add the feature in sooner rather than later (or at all).

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