Pending Updates Token


New Extension

Sanja Tosanovic

2 years ago

Hello All,

This is a fabulous plugin that has enhanced my agency in a fantastic way.

Not all my clients pay their fees on time, so there are times when no updates/maintenance are done on their website. I would still want to give them a report of the maintenance that is pending for their website (this should encourage them to pay the fee), however, I do not see any pending updates token.

Is there any plan to add tokens that show pending updates or is there a way to create these via customization?

I look forward to your response.



Bogdan Rapaić

last year

Added in 4.1


Bogdan Rapaić changed the status to Completed

last year


Keith Crain ( MainWP Staff ) marked this post as a duplicate of token displaying plugins version for pro reports

last year

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