token displaying plugins version for pro reports



A.I. Weblium

2 years ago

the pro reports can be a way to make clients pay us for updates and backups. So instead just displaying the plugins with [installed.plugins] a token displaying also the version of the plugin and if it is up to date or if there is an update would really be a game changer!



Bogdan Rapaić

last year

Tokens to show pending updates is added to the version 4.1


Keith Crain ( MainWP Staff ) marked Pending Updates Token as a duplicate of this post.

last year


A.I. Weblium

last year

great! it tool eleven month though. Still the look and feel of what the end user receives and the UX has a long way to go. But I see you do your best. It is a long term investment. Keep up the great work.


Keith Crain ( MainWP Staff )

last year

great! it tool eleven month though. Still the look and feel of what the end user receives and the UX has a long way to go. But I see you do your best. It is a long term investment. Keep up the great work.

@A.I. Weblium

Please keep in mind, it doesn't mean it will be implemented right away just because a feature has been requested. There are 100's if not 1000's of feature requests that we go through every month and gauge what is more in need by the community. We take all requests into account when planning our updates - If something take precedence over another that's the direction we go in.

The latest MainWP Pro Report version offers 4 new PDF templates out of the box that are still completely customizable by the end user in order to design a PDF that suits your business / want's and needs.

Even if that's not enough flexibility or exactly what you are looking for, you may also take this a step further and dig into and research the MainWP Rest API in order to build your own reporting UX / UI.

We will also be releasing a Postman documentation for the MainWP Rest API in the very near future which will be listed on when available.

Thank you for your understanding & patronage.

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