Rank Math Extension Request.



Chris “EtchrCIC” Baker

3 quarters ago

Hi, I've not had a chance to really play about with this but for the not for profit I'm starting, supporting local charities, clubs etc, this will be an excellent tool. It'll be worth us raising the funds for a lifetime licence, I'd love to see a Rank Math ext - I think the free offering is generous and I can't wait to put it into action. We are trying to promote open source, educate and do our part hopefully creating a blueprint for other entrepreneurs to do the same in their towns and cities. Many thanks for your hard work, I'll happily provide feedback.



Keith Crain ( MainWP Staff )

2 quarters ago

@Chris “EtchrCIC” Baker Thank you very much for your praise & request.

However, this has already been requested & addressed by the RankMath Team - please follow this thread here https://feedback.mainwp.com/plugins/rankmath-extension-ckzyc930z3076712urdxbam2bqz

I suggest also putting your request on their roadmap to add to their side's vote count.


Keith Crain ( MainWP Staff ) changed the status to Closed

2 quarters ago


Keith Crain ( MainWP Staff ) marked RankMath Extension as a duplicate of this post.

2 quarters ago

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